Ukraine Looks to India as Peacemaker in War with Russia

As the war between Ukraine and Russia stretches into its third year, Ukraine has shifted its focus towards India, hoping the nation can play a crucial role in mediating peace. Despite multiple previous attempts at peace negotiations, none have yielded lasting results. Now, with India maintaining open channels of communication with both Russia and Ukraine, Kyiv sees a unique opportunity for India to mediate an end to the conflict.

Failed Peace Efforts and India’s Position

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, there have been numerous peace efforts, including early talks facilitated by Turkey, which produced a draft peace agreement. However, those discussions broke down, largely due to Russia’s demands, leaving the war to continue unabated. Since then, no significant progress has been made toward a diplomatic resolution.

India’s role in this conflict is unique. As one of the few major powers that has managed to retain cordial relations with both Russia and Ukraine, India is now being viewed by Ukraine as a potential mediator. According to a report by Politico, Ukraine hopes that India, leveraging its close ties with both nations, will be able to facilitate a peaceful resolution that does not compromise Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

India’s Stance on a Peaceful Resolution

Despite its historically close relationship with Russia, India has remained open to a peaceful resolution that aligns with Ukrainian concerns. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has consistently rejected any notion of surrender or ceding territory to Russia as part of a peace deal. Proposals from Russia and similar suggestions from U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump, which involved the cessation of certain Ukrainian provinces to Russia, have been categorically dismissed by Kyiv.

India, while maintaining its relationship with Russia, has also shown sympathy towards Ukraine’s position. According to a senior Ukrainian official, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been clear that although Ukraine may need to make compromises for peace, those compromises should not include ceding territory to Russia.

Calls for India to Play a Leading Role

Over time, calls have increased for India to take on a more prominent role in mediating peace between Russia and Ukraine. With India being seen as a neutral actor with strong ties to both sides, there is growing pressure for it to contribute to ending the conflict.

In this context, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi emphasized India’s importance as a global player. “India is a reliable partner for Ukraine and a global force that can influence the dynamics and the course of events in the world,” Tykhyi told Politico. He expressed confidence that India could make a meaningful contribution to the peace process.

India’s Efforts and Diplomacy Behind the Scenes

India’s diplomacy in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been ongoing since the beginning of the war, with high-level exchanges taking place between Indian, Russian, and Ukrainian officials. Prime Minister Modi has consistently urged both sides to resolve their differences through dialogue, stating that a solution cannot be found on the battlefield.

India’s National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval has also been actively involved in these diplomatic efforts. Following Modi’s visit to Ukraine, Doval travelled to Kyiv earlier this month to meet his counterpart, Ukrainian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. This meeting was reportedly linked to discussions between Modi and Zelenskyy, with Doval acting as an envoy to present a peace proposal.

India’s Peace Proposal

According to a media house, Doval’s visit to Russia carried special significance, as he presented a peace proposal outlined by Modi to Putin. Doval is said to have conveyed a message from Modi, emphasizing India’s commitment to finding a resolution to the ongoing war.

Another newspaper further reported that Doval brought a direct message from Modi to Putin regarding the Ukrainian conflict. In a private conversation, Doval briefed Putin on the ideas Modi had shared with Zelenskyy during his earlier visit to Ukraine. Doval’s involvement highlights India’s behind-the-scenes efforts to facilitate peace, as Modi continues to stress the importance of dialogue over military confrontation.

A Diplomatic Balancing Act

India’s role in the conflict requires careful diplomacy. While the country has maintained its strategic partnership with Russia, it has also shown an understanding of Ukraine’s position, particularly regarding territorial integrity. This delicate balancing act places India in a unique position to mediate between the two warring nations.

With both Kyiv and Moscow appearing open to engaging with Indian intermediaries, there is a growing possibility that India could emerge as a peacemaker. However, much will depend on how India navigates the complex geopolitical landscape and whether its proposals can bridge the gap between Russia’s demands and Ukraine’s non-negotiable conditions.

Ukraine’s hopes for peace now rest in part on India’s ability to mediate between Kyiv and Moscow. With India maintaining good relations with both nations and showing sympathy for Ukraine’s concerns, there is potential for India to play a leading role in facilitating a resolution to the conflict. As diplomatic efforts continue, the world watches closely to see if India’s involvement can finally bring an end to one of the most devastating wars of recent times.

 (With inputs from agencies)

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